soul plan

(follow up)

75min session >>>

A follow up session is a great way to go deeper into your soul plan, and offers an opportunity for you to dive deeper into certain areas.

Soul Plans

… offer insight into the deepest levels of a person's being. They present your soul's purpose in this life, guidance for a business name, or reveal the depths of a personal relationship. This follow up reading goes a bit deeper + allows you space to sit with your reading before returning with questions.

Booking Policy

Bookings close 2 days before the session starts.

Cancellation Policy

I understand that some things come up at the last minute that cannot be anticipated, in those situations please get in touch via phone or email and we will work together to reschedule. Outside of that, please give me 48 hours notice to any changes in appointments.


Please schedule your appointment below. I look forward to working with you!


Peace & Wellness Session :: $120