
soul plan

75 minute session >>>
The energy of our names sheds light on our life’s challenges, strengths and overall goals


Soul Plans

… are a modern interpretation of an ancient system, rooted in Hebrew numerology and based on your name given at birth. A Soul Plan reading shines a light on your strengths and talents, and helps you make peace with your challenges. Simply by discovering your Soul Plan, you can begin to align to it, understand yourself more clearly, appreciate your talents and clear blockages.

Each reading includes a Soul Plan chart preparation & a 75-minute reading.

Booking Policy:

Bookings close 2 days before the session starts.

Cancellation Policy: 

I understand that some things come up at the last minute that cannot be anticipated, in those situations please get in touch via phone or email and we will work together to reschedule. Outside of that, please give me 48 hours notice to any changes in appointments.


Please schedule your appointment below. I look forward to working with you!


Soul Plan (Business Name) :: $150